Land of Friendliness and Beauty

- A Danes Guide to Western North Carolina

2nd Edition
© Jan Kronsell, 2018
Published by BoD - Copenhagen, Denmark

Western North Carolina has for a long time been my favorite travel destination in USA, and for many reasons. I have finally written and published a book about that area.

The book gives an introduction to the area, and also gives travel tips to first time travellers to the United States. Included is a guide to 32 counties, with statistical facts, a few places to stay and eat, and some things to see and do in most counties. Now updated with more attractions and more photos.

From the back cover I quote:

"What I would have like to have known before my first visit.

An introduction to Western North Carolina, history, geography and nature, and not least the people of the region, from a foreigner who have fallen completely in love with the land and the people inhabiting it.

Statistical informatiom, attractions, where to stay and where to eat, including information and advice for fist time travellers to USA and WNC."

The book is avaible online as an E-book and can be ordered as paperback from your local bookstore or from several online bookstores. Below is just links to a few of these. If you have any questions about the book, you can contact me on

Det vestlige North Carolina har i mange år været mit favoritrejsemål i USA, selv om jeg også har besøgt mange andre steder i landet. Nu har jeg endelig fået skrevet en bog om området, der dækker såvel en kort introduktion til historie, geografi, natur som mennesker. Bogen indeholder også rejsetips til førstegangsrejsende i såvel USA som i netop dette område. ". udgave er opdateret med flere attraktioner og flere billeder.

Desuden gennemgås de 28 counties (amter), som udgør Western North Carolina, foruden yderligere fire counties, som "burde" være inkluderet i området. I dette afsnit findes statistiske oplysninger om de enkelte amter, foruden forslag til, hvor man kan bo og spise, og ting, som jeg mener vil være interessante at se. Bogen kan bestilles i din lokale boghandel eller købes som paperback eller e-bog mange steder på nettet. Nedenfor er links til nogle få af disse steder. Jeg kan kontaktes omkring bogen på